02/03/04xx to 0516

  • Sale
  • Regular price £80.00
Tax included.

If your Seat MIB2 unit is currently on software version 02xx, you're missing out on the tile menu found on newer units!


Luckily, with this service we can upgrade the unit safely to 05xx, adding the tile menu and general bug fixes/stability improvements 


This product is a postal service where we need your unit sending to us, or we can do it with your car Infront of us. Nothing will be shipped from us other than your unit back to you.

This is only applicable to units with navigation. Contact us to discuss this service for non navigation units.


 This service is not suitable for Seat units that are HW41 (H41) fitted to vehicles with virtual cockpits or Seat HW50 (H50). You can check this by going to settings, system information.